La Bruna Italiana

  1. Alimentazione

    AvatarBy Fabio Kukki il 17 Dec. 2014
    11 Comments   54 Views
    bandiera_inglese English version bandiera_inglese

    Power is carefully curated and during the two daily milkings are
    administered fodder production company and focused on demand. A side
    breeder also working technical Agronomy and Veterinary, specially prepared, that
    continuously play a monitoring service of production and consulting, to guarantee
    proper management in the interests of farmers and consumers.
    For many companies the power of traditional exploit pastures at very high altitudes, even above 2000 m above sea level, as well as forage production business in the valley.

    Difference between other races :

    -Pezzata rossa: the power of this breed is usually defined by experts because with a poor diet may arise diseases and problems
    -Charoilaise: As the brown ration depends on the type of farming: it is an Alpine farming is much prefers a bit of hay and corn silage.
    If breeding is then very plain corn silage.
    -Frisona: Compared to the Frisian, the Italian brown is more rustic.
    The Friesian needs a ration "completely" devoted to production capacity.
    -Jersey: being a dairy breed the food ration is not very different than normal.
    The milk of jersey, however, contains a lot of fat, so some choice will be made for this purpose

    -Foraggi = forage ; vegetative part of a plant intended , even after some transformations , to feed the livestock
    -Nucleo proteico = protein core ; feed with high protein content
    -Sostanza secca = dehydrate substance ; in a sample of material is the portion of the sample that remains after the removal of water

    265344-zoom-bandiera-italiana-piccola Italian version 265344-zoom-bandiera-italiana-piccola

    L’alimentazione è attentamente curata e in occasione delle due mungiture giornaliere vengono
    somministrati foraggi di produzione aziendale e concentrati secondo il fabbisogno. A fianco
    dell’allevatore lavorano inoltre tecnici Agronomi e Veterinari, appositamente preparati, che
    continuamente svolgono un servizio di monitoraggio delle produzioni e di consulenza, a garanzia di
    una corretta gestione nell’interesse dell’allevatore e del consumatore.
    Per l’alimentazione molte aziende di tipo tradizionale sfruttano pascoli e alpeggi a quote molto elevate, anche al di sopra dei 2000 m s.l.m., come pure le produzioni foraggere aziendali di fondovalle.

    Un esempio : vacca di 600 kg con 30 l di latte

    Sostanza secca : 2 Kg X 100 Kg./ Peso Vivo + 0.25 Kg X Kg latte prodotto = (2 X 6) + ( 0.25 x 30 ) = Kg S.S. 19,50
    Calcio : mantenimento 6 gr X 100 Kg p.v. + lattazione 4.2 gr X Kg latte (6 X 6 ) + ( 4,2 x 30 ) = gr. 162
    Fosforo : mantenimento 4,5 X 100 Kg./PV + lattazione 1,7 gr X Kg. Latte ( 4,5 x 6 ) + ( 1,7 x 30 ) = gr. 78

    Edited by Fabio Kukki - 14/1/2015, 11:36

  1. Brazzoli Davide1
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    "Le formule mangimistiche in funzione di animali così altamente produttivi sono più spinte sotto gli aspetti proteico ed energetico, per far sì, che l’animale riesca ad assimilare tutto quello che poi gli consentirà di viaggiare ai ritmi produttivi e di mantenere il livello di fertilità utile per restare in stalla. Infatti 20 anni fa la razione risultava molto povera e costituita da prodotti principalmente di origine aziendale."

  2. Ilaria7
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    Another characteristic of this breed and not running out Che never fat reserves due CAN away Facing a MOMENTANEE adversity .

    Un'altra caratteristica di questa razza è che non esaurendo mai le sue riserve di grasso può far fronte a momentanee avversità.


    Edited by ~Ilaria~ - 12/1/2015, 19:28
  3. Grazio
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    The power supply is carefully curated and on the occasion of the two milkings per day is administered fodder, concentrates according to the demand.
  4. agata2
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    the food ration, if you want to get a high quality product, must consist of grass and forage.
    this does not always happen, because often there is no forage available, then the cow must feed on hays and feeds
  5. manzoni luca
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    ration consists of dry forages that are produced in the company in the hot months, ranging from May to September, and supplemented with protein feed and green fodder such as alfalfa useful for its protein content
  6. Grazio
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    Why is adviced the pasture to 2000 meters?
  7. Fabio Kukki
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    Because this kind of pasture with cattle for milk helps to reduce power costs, to enter the direct sales and to diversify production and income support.
  8. Fabio Scandelli
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    If the milking is not daily, what kind of power is administered?
  9. manzoni luca
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    is used technique unifeed for the farms on the plains and in the winter for those mountain?
  10. Andrea Ogliari
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    In small companies where it is not possible to introduce power systems "pushed" and will continue to use fodder mountain pastures and company does not always "fat" and comfortable, the Brown undergoes problems worrying compromised state body.
    Andrea Ogliari
  11. Andrea!2
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    CITAZIONE (Andrea Ogliari @ 5/1/2015, 17:07) 
    In small companies where it is not possible to introduce power systems "pushed" and will continue to use fodder mountain pastures and company does not always "fat" and comfortable, the Brown undergoes problems worrying compromised state body.