La Bruna Italiana

  1. La parola agli esperti...
    Gli esperti dei vari articoli contenenti le apposite notizie sulla vacca Bruna Italiana

    AvatarBy DavideBrazzoli il 18 Dec. 2014
    0 Comments   25 Views
    Ecco i vari esperti degli articoli:
    Esperto della Produzione: Davide Brazzoli
    Produzione (
    Esperta della Storia: Camilla Fornoni
    La storia (
    Esperto del "Made in Italy": Fabio Cucchi
    Made in Italy (
    Esperto de "L alimentazione": Fabio Cucchi
    Alimentazione (
    Esperto delle Altre Caratteristiche(punti di forza/debolezza): Davide Brazzoli
    Altre caratteristiche (
    Esperta delle Caratteristiche Morfologiche: Ilaria Di Stefano
    Morfologia (
    Confronto (
    Glossario (
    Esperto del Miglioramento Genetico: Davide Brazzoli
    Confronto (
    Miglioramento genetico (


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    Last Post by DavideBrazzoli il 18 Dec. 2014
  2. Ilaria.

    AvatarBy ~Ilaria~ il 6 Jan. 2015
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    Gli aspetti morfologici delle razze a confronto.

    Bruna Italiana: The evolution in the Brown Swiss breed in terms of morphological and functional entailed several improvements. These in particular those relating to the strength and adaptability 'typical of the breed. They, along with the validity 'of the breast and the improvement of the characters lactiferous, have led in recent years sensitive production increases.

    Charolais: The cattle of this breed have morphological characteristics significantly different than other cows, since they belong to the races to be used for their meat.

    La pezzata: Cattle Simmental Italian are characterized by the presence of a mantle with sizes, whose tones range from wheaten clear to red mahogany and the typical turn pink mucous membranes (muzzle, tongue, palate, outline of the eyelids and natural openings).

    Frisona: As for this race, the animals are still more angular, imposing than vaccahe of brown race, you just think that in the first 3 months of life, calves, have a growth sustained, both in height and weight, equal to 2 mm and nearly 900 grams per dayOf white coloration present head, eyelashes, the lower part of the stomach, distal limb and bow tail.

    Jersey: The coat is fawn, from dark brown to light yellow, often with areas of white hair on the sides and belly; the bow of the tail is black, has often hairs blacks on the head and a white halo around the black muzzle.
    It is a race of small size, it is among the smallest cattle breeds. Thus, among those mentioned above is the more minute.
    Last Post by ~Ilaria~ il 6 Jan. 2015
  3. UP UP UP!

    AvatarBy ~Ilaria~ il 6 Jan. 2015
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    Up !

    Edited by Fabio Kukki - 15/1/2015, 20:40
    Last Post by ~Ilaria~ il 6 Jan. 2015
  4. Glossary (IT-glossario; EN-collection of words)

    AvatarBy ~Ilaria~ il 5 Jan. 2015
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    Gylossar (IT-glossario; EN-collection of words)

    Nipple: (IT-capezzolo); terminal part of the breast
    Udder Rear: (IT-mammella posteriore); rear section of the breast
    Morphological: (IT-morfologico); structure of the animal
    lactiferous characters: (IT-caratteri lattiferi); characteristics of the milk of the cow
    Cattle: (IT-bovino); generic name for the cow
    Muzzle: (IT-musello); animal's snout
    Horns: (IT-corna); bone ends pointed, placed on the head of the cow
    Withers: (IT-garrese); Part corresponding to the first dorsal vertebrae
    Neck: (IT-collo); top of spine

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    Last Post by ~Ilaria~ il 5 Jan. 2015
  5. The (general) improvement genetic
    an article that talks about all the genetic improvements regarding the four breeds of cattle that we have studied.

    AvatarBy DavideBrazzoli il 5 Jan. 2015
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    Charolaise: he neat “Charolais” reaches in a very short time the sexual maturity and is very fat and fecund: these characteristics have meant that the spread of the breed was wide an appreciated, particularly considering that, since the meat animals there is always the need for new capes to be conducted to the slaughterhouse.

    Frisona: the objective of selection of Italian Friesian is manifold:
    improve the quality of the milk , which is the protein content and fat suitable for fresh consumption and suitable for cheese making , increase the amount of milk , meaning kg protein and improve the functional longevity of the animal.

    Jersey: There are three methods of selection:
    oriented selection:
    The selection aims to shift the average breeding in a certain sense , this may occur to increase the live weight of the animals in the stable at a certain age ; to achieve the purpose are mated individuals phenotypically heavier at that age , like similar pair , with the cessation of the character selection back at the initial stage .

    stabilizing selection:
    It uses this kind of selection when it wants to reduce the variability of the character around the mean value , individuals may be coupled to do the intermediates or the extremes in the opposite direction , ie upwards with high, heavy with heavy or medium types .

    disruptive selection:
    In this type of selection of individuals chosen are the extremes , but are mated similar to similar example with low low, high with high, etc. the selection is called disruptive because the population tends to be divided into many sub populations ; is used in this type of selection when it operates separately for more characters then proceeds at intersections

    Pezzata Rossa: National Association Simmental Breeders Italian promotes genetic improvement placing the goals that concern the production of milk with average of 60 quintals per lactat...

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    Last Post by DavideBrazzoli il 5 Jan. 2015
  6. Produzione

    AvatarBy DavideBrazzoli il 17 Dec. 2014
    6 Comments   74 Views
    La differenza nella produzione di latte tra primipare e pluripare è relativamente modesta (in passato era un grosso difetto la bassa produzione delle primipare).
    Produzione di latte: 5.400 kg/lattazione per le iscritte.
    Buona attitudine casearia del latte perché nel patrimonio genetico della razza c'è una ridotta presenza di allele A della k-caseina (che influenza negativamente la coagulazione del latte).
    Più che discreta l'attitudine alla produzione di carne. In passato recente, era utilizzata come razza a duplice attitudine. Con l'impiego della Brown Swiss aumentano notevolmente le caratteristiche lattifere (inizio impiego 1972).
    La Bruna è una razza da latte a tutti gli effetti, con una produzione di latte che, nei tipi di buona genealogia, si attesta sui 6000-9000 kg per lattazione, in media con tenore in proteine del 3,39% e in grasso del 3,95%.
    Mentre per quanto riguarda la produzione di carne è da ricordare che la razza Bruna originale è estremamente adatta alla produzione di carne di qualità eccelente, anche in condizioni di allevamento estensivo. È una razza relativamente tardiva ma molto robusta e longeva.


    The difference in the production of milk between primipare and pluripare is relatively modest (in past it was a big defect the low production of the primipares).
    Milk's production: 5.400 kg / lactation for the affiliate.
    Good cheese attitude of the milk because in the genetic patrimony of the race there is a redoubt presence of allele To of the k-caseina (what an influence negatively the milk's coagulation).
    More discreet the attitude to the production of meat. In past recent, you/he/she was used as race to double attitude. With the employment of the Brown Swiss they increase notably the characteristic lattiferes (beginning employment 1972).
    The Bruna is a race from milk to all the effects, with a production of milk that, in the types of good genealogy, around 6000-9000 kg is attested for lactation, in average with way in 3,39 % proteins and in fat of 3,95%.
    While as it regards the production of meat it is to remember that the race original Bruna is extremely proper for the production of meat of quality eccelente, also under conditions of extensive breeding. It is relatively a late but very strong race and longeva.

    Edited by DavideBrazzoli - 5/1/2015, 13:13
    Last Post by Andrea!2 il 13 Jan. 2015

    AvatarBy DavideBrazzoli il 17 Dec. 2014
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    -Davide :
    Di seguito trovate il link per fare l'esercizio riguardo la mia parte in inglese in cui ho "nascosto" le parole che(voi ovviamente) dovete completare.

    demenziale giochino in cui dovrete raggruppare le parole seguendo un ordine logico veramente impensabile...uhm...Latte, motore e spazzola.
    Non riuscirete mai!!!

    Ecco il link per giocare con la storia della razza bruna italiana

    Ecco un piccolo esercizio sulla morfologia della Bruna Italiana.

    Edited by Fabio Kukki - 7/1/2015, 12:50
    Last Post by DavideBrazzoli il 17 Dec. 2014
  8. Alimentazione

    AvatarBy Fabio Kukki il 17 Dec. 2014
    11 Comments   54 Views
    bandiera_inglese English version bandiera_inglese

    Power is carefully curated and during the two daily milkings are
    administered fodder production company and focused on demand. A side
    breeder also working technical Agronomy and Veterinary, specially prepared, that
    continuously play a monitoring service of production and consulting, to guarantee
    proper management in the interests of farmers and consumers.
    For many companies the power of traditional exploit pastures at very high altitudes, even above 2000 m above sea level, as well as forage production business in the valley.

    Difference between other races :

    -Pezzata rossa: the power of this breed is usually defined by experts because with a poor diet may arise diseases and problems
    -Charoilaise: As the brown ration depends on the type of farming: it is an Alpine farming is much prefers a bit of hay and corn silage.
    If breeding is then very plain corn silage.
    -Frisona: Compared to the Frisian, the Italian brown is more rustic.
    The Friesian needs a ration "completely" devoted to production capacity.
    -Jersey: being a dairy breed the food ration is not very different than normal.
    The milk of jersey, however, contains a lot of fat, so some choice will be made for this purpose

    -Foraggi = forage ; vegetative part of a plant intended , even after some transformations , to feed the livestock
    -Nucleo proteico = protein core ; feed with high protein content
    -Sostanza secca = dehydrate substance ; in a sample of material is the portion of the sample that remains after the removal of water

    265344-zoom-bandiera-italiana-piccola Italian version 265344-zoom-bandiera-italiana-piccola

    L’alimentazione è attentamente curata e in occasione delle due mungiture giornaliere vengono
    somministrati foraggi di produzione aziendale e concentrati secondo il fabbisogno. A fianco
    dell’allevatore lavorano inoltre tecnici Agronomi e Veterinari, appositamente preparati, che
    continuamente svolgono un servizio di monitoraggio delle produzioni e di consulenza, a garanzia di
    una corretta gestione nell’interesse dell’allevatore e del consumatore.
    Per l’alimentazione molte aziende di tipo tradizionale sfruttano pascoli e alpeggi a quote molto elevate, anche al di sopra dei 2000 m s.l.m., come pure le produzioni foraggere aziendali di fondovalle.

    Un esempio : vacca di 600 kg con 30 l di latte

    Sostanza secca : 2 Kg X 100 Kg./ Peso Vivo + 0.25 Kg X Kg latte ...

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    Last Post by Andrea!2 il 13 Jan. 2015
  9. W il Made in Italy

    AvatarBy Fabio Kukki il 3 Dec. 2014
    4 Comments   31 Views
    bandiera_inglese English version bandiera_inglese

    For the first time the Italian genetics is palatable to actually genetically forefront such as the United States. The average genetic level of bulls Italian newer is now at the same level of "same age" Americans and significantly higher than that of the "same age" of the rest of the world.
    Genetics "made in Italy" has recently been exported to the USA with the 'export seed "Gordon" (climb the leaderboard Interbull for genetic index amount of protein for three consecutive outputs) in the United States; a great success for animal husbandry Italian.
    The selection program of the Italian Brown is now the international limelight and questions of cooperation on the part of foreign countries, have multiplied in recent months.
    Requests "made in Italy" can not therefore be that continues to rise

    265344-zoom-bandiera-italiana-piccola Italian version 265344-zoom-bandiera-italiana-piccola

    Per la prima volta la genetica italiana è appetibile per realtà geneticamente all'avanguardia quali quella statunitense. Il livello genetico medio dei tori italiani più recenti è ormai allo stesso livello dei "pari età" americani e nettamente superiore a quello dei "pari età" del resto del mondo.
    Genetica "made in Italy" è stata recentemente esportata negli USA con l' esportazione del seme di "Gordon" (in vetta alla classifica Interbull per indice genetico quantità di proteine per ben tre uscite consecutive) negli Stati Uniti; un grosso successo per la zootecnia italiana.
    Il programma di selezione della razza Bruna italiana è oggi alla ribalta internazionale e le domande di collaborazione, da parte dei Paesi esteri, si sono moltiplicate negli ultimi mesi.
    Le richieste "made in Italy" non possono quindi che essere in continua ascesa

    Edited by Fabio Kukki - 14/1/2015, 11:42
    Last Post by Ilaria7 il 17 Dec. 2014
  10. history of " razza bruna "

    AvatarBy Camilla Fornoni il 25 Nov. 2014
    10 Comments   112 Views
    In Italy the "razza bruna " is bred strain of Italian Brown Swiss breed, which is derived from the introduction of subjects including Swiss, Austrian and Bavarian, which adapted to our environment and crossed with American Brown Swiss strain (It was about eight animals from the canton of Schwyz: a bull (recorded as William Tell 1) and 6 females (recorded as one Zurich, Lucerne 2, Gretchen 3, 4 Brinlie, Lissa 5, 6 Christine,Geneva 7) plus another bull (Albert Tell 2) and another female from other cantons.
    Appeared in Italy since the sixteenth century was called "Bruna Alpina' Initially with triple attitude, then dual and finally specializes milk to prevent resizing(with crosses with Brown Swiss from the United States).
    In general, the greater number of herds was located in areas particularly disadvantaged of mountains and hills.
    This breed appeared in Lombardy in 1850 but with the progress of agricultural transformation in Central and Southern, the Brown, in a few decades, spreads in the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines, in Abruzzo,in Molise, in Campania, Apulia, Basilicata and Calabria ,in supporting and replacing local breeds and finding considerable scope for expansion.
    The Brown Swiss in half of the nineteenth century presents a size much smaller than that reached at the end of the century and a much darker colour.
    In 1957 was founded the National Association of Brown Swiss Breeders ( ANARB) and today the name is no longer Alpine Brown, but only Brown.
    In Italy in the early 70s took off the " Brown Swiss experiment " 'with the introduction of brown swiss bulls .Today, however, thanks to the improved attitude to milk, also farms of some importance using the "new" strain of Italian Brown.

    Difference betwen other races:

    In this space I would like to point out the differences in the history of the different races and their spread or find points in common.For example, The Friesian is suited for breeding from the very beginning of its exploitation while the brown swiss thanks to its strong limbs was also used in inaccessible areas.The import of this cow in Italy is posthumously (1929) compared to that of the Alpine Brown as for crossbreeding occurred in america and find themselves having to compete in the '50s and the Friesian replace the Alpine Brown. If we talk about red spotted, however, as the Alpine Brown had a triple attitude and anch it used in inaccessible areas we can find diffenze during the wars in fact,if the Alpine Brown remained the favorite cow, heads of red piebald had a sharp decline resulting in a reduction of its spread still observable today.Differences are more pronounced in the confrontation in the race jersey which was used without crossings for its particular vocation to milk production by offering a higher quality in products and its small size does not allow an adequate adaption in any environment. The Charolais, however, initially shared...

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    Last Post by Andrea!2 il 13 Jan. 2015
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